Update: Marisapink is leaving soon

Hello everyone,

I never thought I would be leaving this site but I have to. There are 3 reasons why I chose to do this. One, you guys know that in very busy and sometimes I forget to post things when I do have the time.I don't know, I probably lost movation on blogging. Two, I have notice my traffic feed that some of people who are the audience are hackers from porn sites. For me, this is unacceptable that you people would inplant your nasty, vile sites in my blogs, EVEN THOUGH I SAID I WAS A CHRISTIAN. It's geting so irritating seeing one after another plastering filthy websites (sigh).Three, I starting to get old of the layout of this site. I wanted to explore and use different features to make my blog look better. And for that I have found a blog website that is good for that idea

To concluding this,

This website and all my other blogs will be down on December 10. Thanks to the people in miiverse and the other people  (except for the hackers) for viewing and enjoying my blog. Thank a bunch


This is Marisapink signing off. 


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